No hint of a plan

 It was wonderful to learn we could adopt our kids following last week's Matching Panel. As noted , we drank a bit too much bubbly, texted til our thumbs fell off and went into town for burgers and toy shopping. 

What has followed has been rather frustrating. On Thursday, a few days after panel, we were informed placement would not occur start of next year as discussed. Then came the Planning Meeting with no plan earlier today. You read that right - the milestone in the process where we were to learn the whens and hows of our future parenthood left us with nothing. 

They turned up with no plan. Not part of a plan. Not a sketch on a fag packet. Nada. And they managed to string out their lack of a plan for 90 minutes. Telling us why there was no plan but never at any point taking responsibility. Worse, they asked us to be flexible and noted they could tell us nothing with any certainty. It's funny, cos there was the opposite of certainty. There was nothing. No skeleton framework. Nothing. 

I'm very angry as a result. How do I sort the requisite annual leave? What do I tell my employer? How do I feel about doing at least four more weeks next year when I've frankly already checked out? What guarantee do I have it'll not be more than this? How do I build any excitement or anticipation? What impetus do I have for getting things ready ? 

To top it off they had the gall to say they wanted us to be fully ready for introductions and placement. You know what would make me fully ready? A plan. At the Planning Meeting.
